How To Hide Files In A Calculator?

Having read the title of this post you may be wondering if it’s really possible. Yeah! It is possible. As the word suggests, it’s a calculator with a safe which is capable of storing and keeping your files and folders safe. The safe calculator looks just like the default calculator in Windows and in fact it can even perform calculations just like any other calculator.

The default code/ pin for the safe is ‘123’. So, to unlock you need to type ‘123’ in the calculator and press on ‘MS’, now the calculator will enter into safe mode. Here you can change the default pin if you want by clicking on ‘New pin’.

Now click on ‘+’ and then ‘=’ to confirm and enter into the safe to browse and choose the files you want to hide. Click on ‘Store’ once you’re done.

Download Safe Calculator:

How to use smileys in Facebook chat?

Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the world with an alexa rank of just #2.
There are lots of smileys in Facebook chat but people are unaware of it, You can you smileys in Facebook chat and increase your Chatting experience, Below I am placing 2 charts which will contain smileys in Facebook chat along with their code. Enjoy.

Hope you liked the collection of Facebook chat smileys!

Hack passwords for Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, Aol, Myspace, Hotmail..etc.

Simple way to Hack passwords for Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, Aol, Myspace, Hotmail..etc.

Hello Everyone,
The only genuine, quick and easy way to crack any password can be done with the below methods:
  1. Phishing
  2. Zombie
  3. SQL Attack
  4. Social Engineering

It really works good and quick in minutes. I can help if anyone is interested in knowing more about the methods.
(Warning: Do not pay anyone in advance, unless you see a genuine proof.)
If anyone needs help, email me at:

Have A Nice Day.